Confidentiality Policy

Foothills staff and volunteers are here to provide confidential support to all survivors of sexual assault and child abuse.  Every Foothills staff member and volunteer is bound by these strict confidentiality rules:

  • Staff members and volunteers cannot repeat any information (personal, medical, or legal) that they may hear.

  • Staff members and volunteers cannot acknowledge that they have met with or spoken to any survivor.

  • Staff members and volunteers cannot provide any information regarding the mental health of a survivor.

  • Staff members and volunteers cannot keep any written information about an incident or survivor in a way that may make it accessible to people outside of the Foothills Alliance staff, volunteers, and their multi-disciplinary team members.

  • Staff members and volunteers will not discuss information about a survivor or an incident in any location where members of the general public might hear this information.

There are only three exceptions when Foothills is REQUIRED to report a discussion between a staff member or volunteer and a client without the client’s permission:

  1. If the survivor threatens harm to self or others

  2. If the survivor discloses child abuse and the survivor is under the age of 18

  3. If Foothills Alliance receives a court order demanding the information

When is Foothills Alliance required to report child abuse?

  • If a survivor under the age of 18 discloses child abuse or sexual assault, staff members and volunteers are required by law to report the information to DSS and law enforcement.

  • If the abuse or assault occurred when the survivor was a child but the survivor is now an adult, the information is kept completely confidential and the survivor can decide whether they want to report.